Leadership Wyoming Alumni Summit
Our annual Alumni Summit will be taking place on Friday, April 25th in Sheridan. For more information and to register visit leadershipwyoming.org/summit.
Our annual Alumni Summit will be taking place on Friday, April 25th in Sheridan. For more information and to register visit leadershipwyoming.org/summit.
*Contact Linda Walsh if you are interested in hosting a small group for dinner in Rock Springs or Green River.
Date and time are TBD. Will be sometime between 2/12 and 2/14.
We will update with more details asap.
The Wildcatter Suite, Laramie
Coffee & Tea
*Contact Linda Walsh if you are interested in hosting a small group for dinner in Gillette.
Join us as we celebrate the completion of the Leadership Wyoming Class of 2020. Reception will be held at the Brinton Museum from 6:00-8:00pm in beautiful Big Horn, Wyoming.
Please rsvp to admin@leadershipwyoming.org
Address is: 239 Brinton Road Big Horn, WY
Join us as Wyoming Catholic College hosts a Community Reception for Class Members and Alumni.
Address is:
Augur Building- Wyoming Catholic College
427 Main Street Lander, WY
Please rsvp to admin@leadershipwyoming.org
Join us for our largest Community Reception of the year! We will be in the ANB Leadership Room of the Pathfinder Building on the LCCC Campus.
Please rsvp to admin@leadershipwyoming.org
Address is: 1400 East College Drive Cheyenne, WY
We’re trying something a little new this year! Since our class will be in Casper in January, we thought we would combine it with a New Year’s Party!
Join us Thursday, January 9th at the Tate Pumphouse from 6:00-8:00pm to meet the current class and connect with Alumni from the Casper area.
Please rsvp to admin@leadershipwyoming.org
Address: 1775 W. 1st Street Casper, WY
Time to have a jolly-good time at the home of Heidi Peterson in Laramie to celebrate the holidays. Leadership Wyoming Alumni and Current Class invited!
Please rsvp to admin@leadershipwyoming.org
Address is:
Leadership Wyoming comes to Evanston! Join us as Tom and Tara Saprony help host a reception at the Bear River Pavilion.
Please rsvp to: admin@leadership Wyoming
Address: 75 Bear River Drive Evanston, WY
Join us at the home of Fred and Susie von Ahrens to welcome the Leadership Wyoming Class of 2020 to Southwest Wyoming.
Please rsvp to admin@leadershipwyoming.org
Address is: 2931 Arabian Circle, Rock Springs Wyoming
Join us for the first-ever Alumni Summit! See the AGENDA HERE. It will be a half-day of speakers and events followed by an evening reception co-hosted with the UW College of Business. Sign up today!
Registration has closed with over 140 Alumni in Attendance! We hope you can join us next year.
Join us at the Rockpile Museum in Gillette to meet the current class and connect with Alumni.
Rsvp to admin@leadershipwyoming.org to join!
Join us for our annual Alumni Tailgate! We will launch our tailgate around 4:00pm for a game that starts at 6:00pm. Swing by to say hi to fellow alumni and enjoy some food. You’ll need to purchase game tickets on your own and we ask you to bring your own drinks (or better yet a few to share!).
A joint reception at the home of Bob and Colleen Grady for the Class of 2020 and those attending the Leadership 2.0 Alumni Event.
RSVP to: admin@leadershipwyoming.org
Join us for a weekend in Jackson to connect with the Class of 2020, learn more about the Leading in Wyoming Curriculum, and reconnect with alumni. Register Here.
For more information see the Agenda and Lodging Information.
Join us at the home of Rob and Mary Garland to welcome the new Class of 2020 to the Program. RSVP to admin@leadershipwyoming.org by July 30, 2019.